
  • Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) support in Ghana

    Start Date: 2023

    Client: African TA Hub/AfDB

    Location: Ghana

    Project: Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) support in Ghana

    Description: SaniPath International conducted feasibility studies and prepared designs for provision of sustainable access to fecal sludge management infrastructure and services in 12 urban centers in Ghana.

    Watch Video on Project HERE

  • Use of the SaniPath Tool to inform a Behavior Change Communication Strategy in Mongolia

    Start Date: 2023

    Client: Asian Development Bank

    Location: Mongolia

    Project: Evidence-based public health risk assessment funding for and development of WASH Behavior Change Communication Strategy and Action Plan for Soum Centers

    Description: The SaniPath Tool was deployed in 5 priority soums across Mongolia. Results were used to develop a Behavior Change Communication Strategy as well as inform WASH related infrastructure development.

  • Wastewater Based Epidemiology (WBE) in Manila

    Start Date: 2022

    Client: Asian Development Bank, Manila Water Company

    Location: Manila, Philippines

    Project: Introducing Wastewater Based Epidemiology (WBE) for SARS-CoV-2 in Metro Manila

    Description: Institutionalizing Wastewater Surveillance within the Manila Water Company in Manilla, Philippines. This includes stakeholder engagement, field work, laboratory analysis, data management, and dissemination efforts.

  • Fundamentals of WASH in Healtcare Facilities Course

    Start Date: 2022

    Client: Emory University

    Location: Virtual

    Project: WASH in Healthcare Facilities Training

    Description: SPI converted an existing short course into an asynchronous, module-style course that can be accessed and tracked via a learning management system. This online, self-paced course seeks to equip WASH practitioners with a comprehensive introduction to the importance, severity, and implications of poor WASH conditions in healthcare facilities and provide a foundation to begin programming.

  • Wastewater Based Epidemiology (WBE)in Nepal

    Start Date: 2022

    Client: Asian Development Bank, Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Management Board and Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited,

    Location: Kathmandu, Nepal

    Project: Institutionalizing Wastewater Based Epidemiology (WBE) in Kathmandu, Nepal

    Description: Institutionalizing Wastewater Surveillance in Katmandu, Nepal. This includes stakeholder engagement, environmental sampling, laboratory set up and analysis, data management, and dissemination efforts.

  • Environmental Surveillance in Dhaka and Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

    Start Date: 2022

    Client: Rockefeller Foundation

    Location: Dhaka and Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

    Project: SARS-CoV-2 and enteric pathogen environmental surveillance in Dhaka wastewater

    Description: Developing an environmental surveillance strategy in Dhaka, Bangladesh and Rohingya Refugee Camps and host communities for SARS-CoV-2, Salmonella Typhoid, Vibrio cholera, and Rotavirus A.

  • Environmental Surveillance in Ghana

    Start Date: 2022

    Client: Rockefeller Foundation

    Location: Accra and Northern Ghana

    Project: Developing and institutionalizing environmental surveillance to guide public health response to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases in Ghana.

  • Use of the SaniPath Tool to understand exposure risks due from Cholera in Kenya

    Start Date: 2020

    Client: KEMRI, Wellcome Trust

    Location: Nairobi, Kenya

    Project: Assessment of Fecal Contamination in Low-Income Urban Settings.

    Description: Conducting a multi-pathway exposure assessments in urban slums of Nairobi, Kenya with the addition of testing for Vibrio Cholera.

  • Urban Liquid Sanitation Strategy and Models for Ghana

    Start Date: 2020

    Client: UNICEF

    Location: Nairobi, Kenya

    Project: Urban Liquid Sanitation Strategy and Models for Ghana

    Description: This project entails developing a protocol, recruiting and training field staff, conducting a study including field testing, preparing a diagnostic report, conducting a comparative analysis of urban sanitation models, and developing an urban sanitation strategy along with scalable models for dissemination at regional and national levels in Ghana.

  • Comprehensive Household Toilet Development and Construction Project

    Start Date: 2020

    Client: MSWR/ GAMA Project

    Location: Accra, Ghana

    Project: GAMA SWP (Household Toilets)

    Description: This project involves conducting field surveys, preparing detailed toilet designs, creating demand for household toilets, collecting beneficiary contributions, mobilizing construction materials, supervising construction processes, and inspecting the constructed facilities to ensure compliance with construction standards and procedures.

  • Integrated Community Engagement and ICT-Based Service Enhancement Project

    Start Date: 2018

    Client: GAMA Project, World Bank

    Location: Ghana

    Project: GAMA SWP (Household Toilets)

    Description: This project involves start-up activities, stakeholder analysis, community engagement, service improvement, ICT-based customer profiling, scorecard implementation, satisfaction measurement, post-construction monitoring, capacity-building, knowledge management, and policy review with advisory services

  • Pathogen Assessment in On-Site Sanitation Systems in Dhaka

    Start Date: 2018

    Client: Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)

    Location: Bangladesh

    Project: Pathogen Flows

    Description: Despite wide usage of on-site sanitation, there is limited field-based evidence on the removal or
    release of pathogens from septic tanks and other primary treatment systems, such as anaerobic baffled reactors (ABR). In two low-income areas in Dhaka, we conducted a cross-sectional study to explore pathogen loads discharged from commonly used on-site sanitation-systems and their transport in nearby drains and waterways.

  • Improving WASH in Ugandan Healthcare Facilities

    Start Date: 2018

    Client: Ministry of Health, Uganda, General Electric Foundation

    Location: Uganda

    Project: Infection Prevention and Control Assessment In Private and Not for Profit Healthcare Facilities and Government Healthcare Facilities in Western Uganda

    Description: In Uganda, the CGSW partnered with World Vision, CARE, Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau and Makerere University to assess WASH in HCF conditions and practices. The results of this assessment is being used to guide programmatic interventions, capacity building and advocacy.

  • Improving WASH in Ugandan Healthcare Facilities

    Start Date: 2018

    Client: UNICEF Uganda & CARE Uganda

    Location: Uganda

    Project: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Conditions assessment in Health Care Facilities in the Karamoja and West Nile Sub –Regions, Uganda

    Description: An assessment of WASH conditions in healthcare facilities in Karamoja and West Nile regions is guiding intervention plannin

  • Expanding to Neonatal Health in Cambodia, Uganda, and Ethiopia

    Start Date: 2018

    Client: Ministry of Health-Uganda, Ministry of Health- Ethiopia and Ministry of Health-Cambodia, GE Foundation

    Location: Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda

    Project: Environmental Contamination Studies.

    Description: In Cambodia, the CGSW undertook a pilot project in 2017 to compare the WASH conditions with the environmental microbiological contamination. The CGSW is currently working with Makerere University and Emory University School of Nursing in Uganda and Ethiopia respectively, expanding the study to include associations with neonatal health outcomes.

  • Deployment of the SaniPath Exposure Assesment Tool in 12 Countries

    Start Date: 2010

    Client: Gates Foundation

    Location: Sub regional/Regional/Multi-country (Atlanta, GA; Dakar, Senegal; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Kampala, Uganda; Accra and Kumasi, Ghana; Lusaka, Zambia; Maputo, Mozambique; Siem Reap Cambodia; Vellore, India.)

    Project: Assessment of Fecal Contamination in Low-Income Urban Settings (SaniPath)

    Description: The SaniPath Exposure Assessment Tool is designed to assess and quantify exposure to fecal contamination in low-resource urban environments. The tool helps identify high-risk pathways for exposure to fecal contamination, such as through water, food, surfaces, and environmental conditions, providing critical data that informs policy and infrastructure decisions for public health and sanitation improvements.